Assessments are a best practice for science-backed candidate selection and a powerful tool for accelerating development. We utilize several tools, individually and in combination, to identify strengths, opportunities, and potential blind spots for leaders and teams.

Assessments can be integrated as part of your selection process, high-potential development and succession planning, and overall talent management practices.


Our Assessment Offerings:

All of our assessments are valid, reliable, and court-approved for selection. Together, we select a test or battery of tests to meet your needs.

Cognitive Ability Assessments:

  • The Watson-Glaser is designed to measure abilities involved in critical thinking, including the abilities to: define problems, select important information for the solution to problems, recognize stated and unstated assumptions, formulate and select relevant and promising hypotheses, and draw valid conclusions and judge the validity of inferences.

  • The Raven’s assessment measures the ability to assess abstract reasoning. Specifically, this test is aimed at the ability to think constructively, to find commonalities among apparently different concepts, and to manipulate ideas on an abstract level.

  • The Wonderlic Contemporary Cognitive Ability Test is a popular assessment used to measure the cognitive ability and problem-solving aptitude of prospective employees for a range of occupations. It measures a candidate's ability to learn, adapt, solve problems, and understand instructions.

Personality Assessments:

  • By describing individuals as others see them, the CPI assessment provides a portrait of personal and work-related characteristics, motivations, and thinking styles. It also portrays how people manage themselves and deal with others.

  • The Hogan Development Survey evaluates 11 forms of interpersonal behavior that can cause problems at work and in life. Behaviors associated with elevated HDS scores can be strengths, but when overused can derail relationships or careers. Individuals who understand their performance limitations have more successful careers.

  • The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) describes normal, or bright-side personality – qualities that describe how we relate to others when we are at our best. Assessing normal personality provides valuable insight into how people work, how they lead, and how successful they will be.

  • The MVPI describes personality from the inside – the core goals, values, drivers, and interests that determine what we desire and strive to attain. By assessing values, you can understand what motivates someone to succeed, and in what type of position, job, and environment they will be most successful. Scores about the 75th percentile are drivers.

  • The Deeper Signals assessment measures the personality traits that drive performance. Your pattern of responses is analyzed to predict your three Core Drivers — these are the psychological drivers that have the greatest influence on your behavior at work, your leadership style, and how you make decisions and interact with others. Your Core Drivers help explain why you feel, think, and act the way you do.